Student Clubs
Student clubs offer networking opportunities for aspiring student filmmakers and students interested in learning more about film. Some offer jobs and projects for you to work on.
Auckland Studio is a professional student film studio based out of Auckland University of Technology (AUT). The group provides any and all students with opportunities to participate in recreational and educational events as well as professional projects. These range from paid projects contracted by universities to drone-based 3D mapping initiatives.
Visit website here. Membership is free.
UoA Film Society is a space for film enthusiasts and a collaborative network for film students and aspiring filmmakers.
Visit Facebook here. Membership fees apply.
The Vic Uni Film Society meets up every week during the university trimester (lecture-teaching weeks only) and holds film screenings.
Visit Facebook here.
The University of Canterbury (UC) Film Club is open to students of all disciplines who enjoy film. It hosts events including film screenings, an annual quiz night, industry talks, cinema workshops and more.
Visit Facebook here.
Terrible Film Society is a film society at Lincoln University. It describes itself as a ‘laid-back’ film society with recreational film screenings.
Visit website here.
Industry Guilds
Industry guilds offer a range of services and support for a wide range of filmmakers. New Zealand has a number of guilds that offer student/emerging filmmaker memberships.
Formed in 1995, DEGANZ is the national and international representative for all members, including directors, editors and assistant editors working across screen and new media.
Visit website here.
Professional association representing independent New Zealand producers & production companies.
Visit website here.
The New Zealand Writers Guild - Puni Taatuhi o Aotearoa is a professional association of script writers.
It represents the professional interests of writers in the fields of film, television, theatre, radio, comics and new media. NZWG members include most of the professional script writers working in New Zealand.
Visit website here.
Professional association of cinematography and the camera community in New Zealand.
Visit website here.
Union representing Actors in New Zealand.
Visit website here.
WIFT NZ, Women in Film and Television Incorporated, is an organisation working in film, television and associated industries which works to support growth and sustainability in the screen industries with a particular emphasis on equal opportunity and participation for women.
Visit website here.
Pan-Asian Screen Collective (PASC) supports emerging and experienced screen practitioners of Pan-Asian heritage in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Its goal is for New Zealand’s cultural landscape to honestly and equitably reflect Pan-Asian faces, creativity, expertise, experience and history on screen and behind the camera.
Visit website here.
Talent Release Form
Here’s a helpful resource to learn more about talent release forms and how to write one (with a free template)!
Music & Sound Resources
Here are some useful websites where you can source music and sound effects for your film.
YouTube Resources
Many filmmakers seek inspiration from watching other filmmakers on YouTube! Find tutorials, tips, and more.